Friday, October 20, 2006

By disguise and subterfuge

And we thought W was bad.

Here is a quote by Giuliano Amato, who was on the EU Convention which drafted the EU Constitution. This constitution was rejected by French voters, partly due to a blogger campaign which resisted the well-funded and well-orchestrated government campaign which propagandized "Vote yes!". Amato has this to say about how the EU should govern:

“In Europe one needs to act 'as if' - as if what was wanted was little, in order to obtain much, as if States were to remain sovereign to convince them to concede sovereignty ... The Commission in Brussels, for example, should act as if it were a technical instrument, in order to be able to be treated as a government. And so on by disguise and subterfuge.

This was found by a wonderful writeup by the blogger Fjordman, who is commenting on something called Eurabia. This notion, in the eponymous book penned by Bat Ye'or, explains that the merger of Muslim culture, money, and power into that of the EU has been a well-orchestrated, subversive, and incremental process spanning the past few decades. It is long and very interesting.

The Eurabia Code

In our lifetime, I think we will see glorious Europe die a very ugly death.


Blogger Captain USpace said...

Yes, great article and a very scary trend...

absurd thought -
God of the Universe
says Islam is BEST

supported by liberals
against all that they stand for

6:34 AM, February 17, 2007  

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