Thursday, December 21, 2006

Our Dangerous Western Sensibilities

The reason why us "Westerners" (people in the USA and in Western Europe) have failed to see Islam for what it is has little to do with the taqiyya and kitman disseminated by those pursuing the "soft" version of the "lesser" jihad and much more to do with axioms that we Westerners believe so deeply that they transcend from conservative to liberal, Republican to Democrat, patriot to self-hating American. We all feel them, and it somehow feels wrong and twisted to deny them. They are:

1. All religions basically teach the same things

Just try a Google search.

Or maybe see the "Islam" episode of Morgan Spurlock's propagandistic television program "30 Days" in which he delcared that Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all came from Abraham. He even showed a helpful graphic showing Moses, Jesus, and Mohammmad sitting on branches of the same tree. The message? All three religions are basically the same.

Or just listen to your favorite politicans. "The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace." That's George Bush #43 being very politically correct.

2. All people in the world are basically the same

"White" Americans have had to change some old ways of thinking which were created by poisonous and false notions that "black" Americans were somewhat less-than-human: physiologically different. Was it not Abraham Lincoln who told Frederick Douglas, "I agree with Judge Douglas he is not my equal in many respects-certainly not in color, perhaps not in moral or intellectual endowment."? And this is why we see books such as these. The training begins early, and it is good and right. All people are the same, physiologically. All racist thought is necessarily grounded in the false belief that there exists more than one human race.

Why are these sensibilities dangerous?

These notions feel good and feel right. They are inherently individualistic, which makes them American. They go hand-in-hand with the notion of individual freedom of conscience. Everyone has their own opinion, everyone has their own lifestyle, everyone has their own likes and dislikes, and everyone is free to follow their heart's desires provided that they do not harm anyone else. Huzzah! For us to believe that "all religions teach the same thing" and that "all people are the same" allows us to believe in individual freedom of conscience.

We have to abaondon these sensibilities because the mujahedin exploit them to our own destruction.

First, it is false that all religions teach the same thing, and I am talking specifically about comparing Islam to Judaism/Christianity. The notion that Islam will conquer the world by force and subject all non-Muslims to dhimmitude or warfare is a notion that is thriving in all major Islamic schools of thought. Do not be fooled by groups like CAIR, as they are merely doing a "soft" jihad that relies on taqiyya, lawsuits, and guilt bombs instead of taqiyya, bullets, and suicide bombs. For us to admit that Islam teaches these things as a matter of dogma is for us to admit that Islam itself is evil until it reforms and explicitly rejects every single one of the numerous exortations to violence and oppression that are contained in the Koran, hadith, sunna, and any other aspect of Islam both written and practiced. But, until then, we have to admit to ourselves that not every religion teaches the same thing, and that Islam teaches evil.

Second, while it is true that all human beings are physiologically the same, and that all human beings share the same human nature, it is also true that all human beings belong to a culture (or a mix of culutres) and that cultures is part of who that human being is. Thus it is false that all people are the same. Some of them will express ideas and perform actions that disgust us "Westerners". Many Asians eat balut. Many French value leisure much more highly than they do hard work. Many Japanese consider it a firing offense for an employee to question his/her boss. And many Muslims value violence, slavery, woman-bashing, gay-bashing, Arab supremacy, and fatalism ("inshallah", meaning "if Allah wills it", is a common Muslim refrain). Our efforts toward "multiculturalism" are the greatest expressions of the notion of "everyone is the same", since it patently forbids us from critizing any culture (except our own). The taboo against criticizing other cultures is what fundamentalist Muslims, under the banner of Islam, will exploit toward our own destruction.

To illustrate this point, Oslo, the capital of Norway, is presently experiencing a rape wave. What the legacy media is reluctant to tell you is that the increase in rapes is happening directly as a result of a huge influx of Muslim immigrants. In other words, Muslim men are raping Norwegian women in huge numbers, and the multiculturalist response to this is to ignore it, since the taboo against criticizing other cultures is stronger than the necessity of protecting the rights of women not to be raped. Unni Wikan, a professor of "social anthropology" (read: Marxism re-imagined) in Norway, had this to say about the rape wave: "Norwegian women must take their share of responsibility for these rapes". In other words, "Didn't you see what she was wearing? She was asking to be raped!" Very "progressive" indeed.

The tide seems to be turning, though. I've seen more than one "progressive" individual begin to succumb to the cognitive dissonance. Muslims are not like us, and their religion teaches evil. Repeat: Muslims are not like us, and their religion teaches evil. When enough people accept this, then we can stop fighting each other and begin fighting the real enemy in earnest.


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